

Number of children reached in 2022-23
Early Intervention Unit
@ Shishu Sarothi
Early Intervention Unit
@ CRC Guwahati
Early Intervention Unit
@ AMCH Dibrugarh
Weekly Outreach
@ Goalpara
Fortnightly Outreach
@ Golaghat
Monthly Outreach
@ Sivsagar

Premised on the idea of neuro plasticity of the brain and its ability to adapt and affect structural and functional changes caused by external and internal influences, that is at its peak in the birth -2 year period, and a recognition that the 0-6 years period is the critical period of development, the Early Intervention program primarily offers outdoor services for early detection, screening and management of high-risk babies, infants and young children with delayed development and disabilities. The children who are increasingly referred by medical fraternity, are assessed for delays in different developmental aspects such as physical (gross and fine motor), language and communication, cognitive, self-help, and social skills. Play way methods are deployed to ensure positive participation and involvement of the children. Therapies and appropriate interventions are demonstrated, and home management programs are explained to parents, and followed up regularly.

This Early Intervention service is offered regularly from our own premises and with non financial agreements at the Composite Regional Centre (CRC) of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, in Guwahati, as well as from the OPD of the Paediatrics Department of the Assam Medical College Hospital, Dibrugarh.

Additionally, Outreach programs take these services weekly to Goalpara (In collaboration with local NGO Shishu Bikash Kendra), fortnightly to Golaghat (DEIC at Civil Hospital) and monthly to Sibsagar (DEIC at Civil Hospital). An average of 1500+ families of young children avail this service annually. Many children have achieved delayed milestones and families have been able to better the quality of their lives through this service.


For further information, contact - Mrs. Meera Saikia on +91 70052 27896 , Saswati Barman on +919435166588 or  email at shishusarothi@gmail.com